Channel: Comments on: Create an Excel-file with PL/SQL
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By: Mike Chambers



I have added formulas to my cells. Here are the changes I’ve applied:

Forgive me if there is a better way to post my changes. This is my first time posting code changes.

Mike Chambers

—- package changes start
procedure cell
( p_col pls_integer
, p_row pls_integer
, p_value number
, p_numFmtId pls_integer := null
, p_fontId pls_integer := null
, p_fillId pls_integer := null
, p_borderId pls_integer := null
, p_alignment tp_alignment := null
, p_sheet pls_integer := null
, p_type varchar2 default ‘v’ — if = ‘f’ then add p_formula to cell
, p_formula varchar2 default null — cell formula

procedure cell
( p_col pls_integer
, p_row pls_integer
, p_value varchar2
, p_numFmtId pls_integer := null
, p_fontId pls_integer := null
, p_fillId pls_integer := null
, p_borderId pls_integer := null
, p_alignment tp_alignment := null
, p_sheet pls_integer := null
, p_type varchar2 default ‘v’ — added M.CHAMBERS: if = ‘f’ then add p_formula to cell
, p_formula varchar2 default null –added M.CHAMBERS: cell formula

procedure cell
( p_col pls_integer
, p_row pls_integer
, p_value date
, p_numFmtId pls_integer := null
, p_fontId pls_integer := null
, p_fillId pls_integer := null
, p_borderId pls_integer := null
, p_alignment tp_alignment := null
, p_sheet pls_integer := null
, p_type varchar2 default ‘v’ — if = ‘f’ then add p_formula to cell
, p_formula varchar2 default null — cell formula

—- package changes end

—- package body changes start
–M.CHAMBERS: modified to_cell to add formula functionality
type tp_cell is record
( value number
, style varchar2(50)
, type varchar2(1) default ‘v’ –added M.CHAMBERS
, formula varchar2(1000) default null –added M.CHAMBERS

–M.CHAMBERS: modified to remove case sensitive issue for date format
function get_numFmt( p_format varchar2 := null )
return pls_integer
t_cnt pls_integer;
t_numFmtId pls_integer;
t_format varchar2(100) default lower(p_format); –added M.CHAMBERS
if t_format is null –M.CHAMBERS: changed from p_format
return 0;
end if;
t_cnt := workbook.numFmts.count();
for i in 1 .. t_cnt
if workbook.numFmts( i ).formatCode = t_format –M.CHAMBERS: changed from p_format
t_numFmtId := workbook.numFmts( i ).numFmtId;
end if;
end loop;
if t_numFmtId is null
t_numFmtId := case when t_cnt = 0 then 164 else workbook.numFmts( t_cnt ).numFmtId + 1 end;
t_cnt := t_cnt + 1;
workbook.numFmts( t_cnt ).numFmtId := t_numFmtId;
workbook.numFmts( t_cnt ).formatCode := t_format; –M.CHAMBERS: changed from p_format
workbook.numFmtIndexes( t_numFmtId ) := t_cnt;
end if;
return t_numFmtId;

–M.CHAMBERS: modified to add formula functionality
procedure cell
( p_col pls_integer
, p_row pls_integer
, p_value number
, p_numFmtId pls_integer := null
, p_fontId pls_integer := null
, p_fillId pls_integer := null
, p_borderId pls_integer := null
, p_alignment tp_alignment := null
, p_sheet pls_integer := null
, p_type varchar2 default ‘v’ –added M.CHAMBERS
, p_formula varchar2 default null –added M.CHAMBERS
t_sheet pls_integer := nvl( p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count() );
workbook.sheets( t_sheet ).rows( p_row )( p_col ).formula := p_formula; –added M.CHAMBERS
workbook.sheets( t_sheet ).rows( p_row )( p_col ).value := p_value ;
workbook.sheets( t_sheet ).rows( p_row )( p_col ).type := p_type; –added M.CHAMBERS
workbook.sheets( t_sheet ).rows( p_row )( p_col ).style := null;
workbook.sheets( t_sheet ).rows( p_row )( p_col ).style := get_XfId( t_sheet, p_col, p_row, p_numFmtId, p_fontId, p_fillId, p_borderId, p_alignment );

–M.CHAMBERS: modified to add formula functionality
procedure cell
( p_col pls_integer
, p_row pls_integer
, p_value varchar2
, p_numFmtId pls_integer := null
, p_fontId pls_integer := null
, p_fillId pls_integer := null
, p_borderId pls_integer := null
, p_alignment tp_alignment := null
, p_sheet pls_integer := null
, p_type varchar2 default ‘v’ –added M.CHAMBERS
, p_formula varchar2 default null –added M.CHAMBERS
t_sheet pls_integer := nvl( p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count() );
t_alignment tp_alignment := p_alignment;
workbook.sheets( t_sheet ).rows( p_row )( p_col ).formula := p_formula; –added M.CHAMBERS
workbook.sheets( t_sheet ).rows( p_row )( p_col ).value := add_string( p_value );
workbook.sheets( t_sheet ).rows( p_row )( p_col ).type := p_type; –added M.CHAMBERS
if t_alignment.wrapText is null and instr( p_value, chr(13) ) > 0
t_alignment.wrapText := true;
end if;
workbook.sheets( t_sheet ).rows( p_row )( p_col ).style := ‘t=”s” ‘ || get_XfId( t_sheet, p_col, p_row, p_numFmtId, p_fontId, p_fillId, p_borderId, t_alignment );

–M.CHAMBERS: modified to add formula functionality
procedure cell
( p_col pls_integer
, p_row pls_integer
, p_value date
, p_numFmtId pls_integer := null
, p_fontId pls_integer := null
, p_fillId pls_integer := null
, p_borderId pls_integer := null
, p_alignment tp_alignment := null
, p_sheet pls_integer := null
, p_type varchar2 default ‘v’
, p_formula varchar2 default null
t_numFmtId pls_integer := p_numFmtId;
t_sheet pls_integer := nvl( p_sheet, workbook.sheets.count() );
workbook.sheets( t_sheet ).rows( p_row )( p_col ).formula := p_formula; –added M.CHAMBERS
workbook.sheets( t_sheet ).rows( p_row )( p_col ).value := p_value – to_date(’01-01-1904′,’DD-MM-YYYY’);
workbook.sheets( t_sheet ).rows( p_row )( p_col ).type := p_type; –added M.CHAMBERS
if t_numFmtId is null
and not ( workbook.sheets( t_sheet ).col_fmts.exists( p_col )
and workbook.sheets( t_sheet ).col_fmts( p_col ).numFmtId is not null
and not ( workbook.sheets( t_sheet ).row_fmts.exists( p_row )
and workbook.sheets( t_sheet ).row_fmts( p_row ).numFmtId is not null
t_numFmtId := get_numFmt( ‘dd/mm/yyyy’ );
end if;
workbook.sheets( t_sheet ).rows( p_row )( p_col ).style := get_XfId( t_sheet, p_col, p_row, t_numFmtId, p_fontId, p_fillId, p_borderId, p_alignment );

–changes to function finish: loop through cells. Modified t_cell := statment to include tag for forumla
while t_col_ind is not null
t_cell := ”;

if workbook.sheets( s ).rows( t_row_ind )( t_col_ind ).type = ‘f’ then
t_cell := t_cell||”
|| workbook.sheets( s ).rows( t_row_ind )( t_col_ind ).formula
|| ”;
end if;
t_cell := t_cell||”
|| to_char( workbook.sheets( s ).rows( t_row_ind )( t_col_ind ).value, ‘TM9′, ‘NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=.,’ )
|| ”;
if t_len > 32000
dbms_lob.writeappend( t_xxx, t_len, t_tmp );
t_tmp := null;
t_len := 0;
end if;
t_tmp := t_tmp || t_cell;
t_len := t_len + length( t_cell );
t_col_ind := workbook.sheets( s ).rows( t_row_ind ).next( t_col_ind );
end loop;
t_tmp := t_tmp || ”;
t_row_ind := workbook.sheets( s ).rows.next( t_row_ind );
end loop;

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